Alternative Provision

Mission Statement

Building solid foundations

Dorset Trade Skills is committed to providing a safe, respectful and inclusive environment to enable young people to build relevant life skills that will assist a successful transition to work or further education and contribute positively to society.

Our aim is to encourage our young people to develop self-belief and a respect for learning, and to become independent, resilient and responsible individuals who aspire to realise their full potential.

To achieve this, we offer a wide-ranging education including Functional Maths and English, training in a variety of construction trades and qualifications recognised by trade governing bodies in both the construction and catering sectors.


For Alternative Provision

Please Contact

Elizabeth Brooks

01305 830221



On induction all learners will complete the following:

  • Diagnostic assessments in English and maths
  • VAK questionnaire to determine student’s preferred way of learning
  • Health and Safety induction
  • Sign an induction contract, agreeing to clearly-stated behaviour standards that we, as a training provider, expect.
  • For Further infomation please email

Individual Learning Plans

The results of the diagnostics and VAK questionnaire will enable teaching staff to tailor each student’s personal learning journey.  This will be set out in Individual Learning Plans.

ILPs may include one-to-one sessions; and will take into account statements of special educational needs and their impact on the student’s learning.

Results and progress will also be recorded in learners’ ILPs and shared with other members of staff to ensure quality of teaching is maintained for each learner at the right level.



Learners are placed in classes of similar ability, wherever possible.  However, we recognise that, within any group, learners will find different tasks easier or more challenging.  Those struggling with a particular task will receive extra help or be given smaller, bite-sized, steps to master essential skills, while those forging ahead will be offered extension activities.

Lesson plans, ILPs and learner outcomes will naturally reflect individual differences.

Classroom organisation

Our classrooms are organised to maximise learning potential for individuals as well as promoting group work and interaction with both the tutor and fellow students.  Classrooms are well resourced, and all our teachers are qualified to deliver our courses.


Behaviour Management

We have an expectation that learners will do their best to maintain appropriate standards of behaviour to promote a calm and positive atmosphere.  Where we feel that individual conduct is an obstacle to their own or others’ learning, or a threat to others’ physical or mental well-being, we will take immediate and appropriate steps to address the matter.  “Time out” and a listening ear are always available in the first instance.

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